Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Let's Motor!

So, yesterday was the first day out of my long, illustrious career of 4 months at Maryland that I longed for the days that it took me 9 minutes to roll up at Agora (stopping at DD time included). But, despite two road closures, a turned over pickup truck and a tractor trailer in the side of a row home under the Natty Boh sign in the end, after my initial breakdown, I was ok. It could have been because A. I was alive B. I didn't have a tractor trailer through my living room or C. I didn't get stuck in that same traffic while traveling through the panic attack inducing tunnel. But, when it came down to it, I realized it's because of the Mini.

What can I say, the Mini makes me happy. It's hard to have a bad thought when driving along in a purple car with the sunroof and window open and blasting some PMB (trying to recapture my youth with the musical selection). I know to most it's just a car, but not to me. I worked hard for that Mini after pining away for her for years. And I think she kinda shows the world who I am: reliable and safe, yet quirky; frugal, but willing to splurge; and even sometimes when I am weaving in and out of traffic because I can since she is so small, she even says, "hey, I like to live on the edge" (but not too much bc let's face it, I'm a big sissy). So, yes Mini, I agree with you and your clever advertisement slogan, "Let's Motor!" (I'm also a sucker for a good marketing campaign, so heck, maybe that's how they hooked me).

On another note, does anyone else see the resemblance to an episode of 24 in what's going on with the government lately? First, a secret "letter" is now what the media is saying led to the "war" with Iraq. And now the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is going to speak with the president of Syria "against the President's and White House's orders." What the heck does that mean? Since when does speaking with someone equate to sponsoring terrorism. I won't get into politics, but seriously I am waiting for the day when Jack Bauer gets the order from President Palmer (#2) to off one of the democratic members of Congress.

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