Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bon Voyage

This time where you lead, I cannot follow ...

I don't get into too many tv shows to the point where I feel an emotional attachment to the characters, but Gilmore GIrls is (was) one of them. Sure, I was upset when Friends and Sex in the City came to an end, but this time it's different. I feel like I have lost a member of my family -- sure my crazy, fast talking family, but still my family nontheless. I felt like that show made me smarter. They would make so many cultural references in one episode that some of them I would have to look up afterwards just to know what the heck they were talking about. It was also nice to see on television people talking on my level -- fast, coffee induced rambles. I could relate. And I liked it.

So, now I'm left wondering -- will Luke and Loralai really be together forever? Will Rory and Logan ever speak again (that was the most uninspiring breakup ever)? Where is Jess? How come Rory didn't say goodbye to Paris? What will happen to Kirk now, what will his next stunt be? What will Rory do with the rocketship?

I know I sound crazy, they are all just characters in a fake show. But, after seven years they seemed like more. And I will miss them.

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