Monday, March 26, 2007

Observations from a short girl - #1

Have you ever noticed that every paper towel dispenser in a public place is set to just a height so that when you reach to get one the water runs down your arms and leaves you all wet? I have. As I dried myself off from this such thing on Friday night I started to wonder if this only happened to me because I was so short that the height was not optimized for me, or if this happens to everyone.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The 27 Club

Nevermind, upon further review of Wikipedia I have figured it out. Maybe I am supposed to be part of the 27 Club ( and I am preparing myself. I attempted to play the guitar and I like to sing at karaoke when everyone is too drunk to hear me. I guess I had better start doing some drugs ...

What is 27?

So, I'm almost a week late on this, but when the University gives you spring break off and you're not a college student you embrace it and stay far away from the internet and work (that and AT&T is a terrbile, horrible excuse for a company and is witholding my service -- or at least that's how I'm taking it -- as an act of war).

I googled 27 and here's what I came up with: Cobalt is the 27th element on the periodic table, there is a Level 27 clothing line that is straight out of a Tim Burton movie, rule #27 of golf states that if a ball is lost or is out of bounds, the player must play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played and finally according to Wikipedia, the best website ever invented besides google and lonelygirl15, 27 is the natural number following 26 and preceding 28 and is the smallest positive integer requiring four syllables to name in English, though it can be unambiguously defined in just two: "three cubed".

So where was I ... Oh yeah, turning 27. Other years held no significance and it wasn't a problem, so I'm not sure why 27 is bothering me so much. Maybe because it's an odd number and I only like even integers (true story - in 6th grade I took the SATs early as part of some "you're smart" program and when I sat down to take it I had no idea what an integer was -- how was I supposed to know it was a fancy name for number, I was only in 6th grade. Still, I probably still got a higher score than half of the men's basketball team). Maybe I don't like 27 because it brings me one step closer to 30. Or maybe because it takes me one step farther away from 20. I mean I can't even say I am in my mid-twenties anymore. No sir, so long to that -- hello to late-twenties. Late-twenties?!?

And I think it also takes away my standby excuse for things that I find people asking as I get older. When are you going to get married? When are you going to have kids? When are you going to buy a house? I think 27 means I can't say I feel too young anymore without people looking at me like they would after Ibekwe shoots a free throw (that means crazy if you've never seen him shoot one).

So, with no conclusion in sight, happy birthday to me and to all a good night.

Afterthought -- I just found out that there are 27 letters in the Hebrew alphabet -- maybe I should have been Jewish and wouldn't be having any issues right now?

And yes, March Madness is still in the air -- just not for those darn Terps. They get me everytime. Go Oregon and G-town!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Organization 101

With all the technology that exists these days that everyone seems to be so dependent on -- BlackBerries, Online Calendars, Email, Cell Phones, etc. -- how come no one ever seems organized? I think it is taken for granted that these objects will keep our life in order, when really all you need is five minutes to set up a good old fashioned to-do list. Pen and Paper. Not to mention I think everyone could use the five minutes to themselves.

On another topic, can someone please, once and for all, explain daylight savings to me. I recently heard that there is a plan to eventually phase it out so that when we set the clocks forward and back will slowly emerge to the same point and we will no longer do it. What?!? Can't we just stop it at once this year? Will time stop ticking, will it cause a black hole? I don't get it.

Lame first post, I know. It will get better, I promise. When I have more time -- I'll schedule it in my planner, ha!

Go Terps! (can't you just feel March Madness in the air?)